According to, the odds of someone being swallowed by a whale is one in a million. There have been a few occurrences over the decades, but this actually happened to a young man recently. What even made it more amazing was that it was all caught on video by this man’s father.
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How a Whale Swallowed A Man in Chile
On February 14, 2024, a typical father-son kayaking trip between Adrian Simancas and his dad, Dell Simancas, became a rare event of biblical proportions. The father and son duo were paddling along the rough waters of Chilean Patagonia on their inflatable vessels that resembled kayaks. As Dell Simancas took a video on his phone, he heard a loud sound behind him. He turned around and could not find his son for what seemed like forever. Fortunately, in a matter of seconds, Adrian just suddenly emerged to the surface.
In an interview with, Adrian said the slime was the first thing he noticed after being swallowed. He did not know what devoured him, whether it was a sea monster or an orca. He continued saying he was already thinking of ways to escape when he and his inflatable kayak were spat out into the water’s surface.
Video of a man gets swallowed by a whale
Can a Whale Swallow a Man?
Experts interviewed by news outlets all say that it is impossible for whales to swallow humans. This is because even if whales have huge mouths, they have small esophagi for the kinds of food they consume, like small fish or krill. Whales cannot digest big fishes or even a human body.
The New York Times also added that because whales do not have echolocation or biosonar, they could have sensed Adrian and his inflatable kayak while looking for food. The article added that whales use their hearing more, so it could not have heard a silent vessel like a kayak paddling on rough waters.
Adrian mentioned that this is the first time he has seen a whale. He hopes that the next time he sees one, it will not be so close. This experience is definitely something that Adrian will never forget.
Who got swallowed by a whale?
According to the article, Adrian Simancas was the person who got swallowed by a whale.
Has a humpback whale ever killed a human?
Humpback whales are generally known for their gentle and non-aggressive behavior toward humans. There are no documented cases of a humpback whale intentionally killing a human.
Can a humpback whale swallow a human?
No, a humpback whale cannot swallow a human. While humpback whales have very large mouths, their esophagus (throat) is relatively small—only about the size of a grapefruit. This means they are physically incapable of swallowing large objects, including humans.