Monday, March 31, 2025 An Australian Family Exploring The World

Hi there,

Thanks for dropping by for a look at our website Travelling Apples. We’re Chris, Sarah and little Jack Appleford, a family from Melbourne, Australia, who decided it was time to escape the 9-5 routine of life in front of a computer at the office. It was time to break free of the safety and security of home to explore the world, experience new cultures, discover new places, and expand our horizons as individuals, and as a family.

What is our website “” about?

A lot of things really. It’s a chance to keep our friends and family at home up to speed with what we’re up to. We can’t wait to share our adventures with our loved ones. It’s also an opportunity to share our adventures with visitors to our site. We’ve accumulated so much information from other traveller websites that has made our preparations so much easier. We hope we can pass on information to both new and experienced travellers as well. Perhaps we can inspire others to make the decision to follow their dreams and explore the world. It’s a tough decision to make, giving up careers and belongings, leaving loved ones, escaping the routine and breaking free of your comfort zone. Especially if you have children! But we only have one life, and you never know what is going to happen in the future. Because of the future unknown, we’ve decided to head off into the great unknown.

Who are Travelling Apples?

I (Chris) worked at professional sporting organisations in communications for eight years before spending 18-months starting my own premium drinking chocolate powder business from scratch (just a bit different) and consulting in social media (I had one client, but it was more than enough!). Sarah has worked for a landscape design firm for the past five years and is a year into a three-year Bachelor of Health Science (Nutrition) degree. And Jack, well, he’s been learning how to be a little boy…and he’s doing a great job! We had great lives, excellent jobs, beautiful friends and family, and lived in arguably the best city in the world (it’s been voted the most liveable city in the world for the past three years in a row)! But there was something missing, an itch that needed to be scratched. Our wanderlust could no longer be ignored, so we decided to quit our jobs, sell everything we owned, and head off on our ‘no-end-date-in-sight’ nomad-style adventure.

Where to read the latest articles on TravellingApples?

We publish travel and family-related articles on our Travelling Apples regularly. Just visit the blog and read the latest articles.

That’s it. We hope to see you back again and again to follow our journey. You can get in touch with us in a few ways:

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